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DIVA Year of Intentional Impact

Daily inspiration, practical advice, and the support of a like-minded community

Join the DIVA Year of Intentional Impact for Insights and Actionable Ideas

Imagine what you can achieve with 365 days of focused, actionable steps designed specifically for female entrepreneurs like you. Each day offers you a chance to take a step forward, refine your strategy, and show up consistently for yourself and your business.

Join Us!

DIVA Year of Intentional Impact

per month
Receive access to daily or weekly reminders and action tasks to keep you accountable to showing up for yourself and your online community. You are also invited to the first GOAL Setting Session of the month with MVP CoWorking members.

DIVA Year of Intentional Impact + MVP CoWorking

per month
With the monthly DIVA Success Plan, you'll receive access to daily (or weekly recap) reminders and action tasks to keep you accountable to showing up for yourself and your online community.

The Plan also includes access to MVP CoWorking Labs to set weekly goals, cowork with other amazing DIVAs and gather monthly for a learning workshop.